All Notes
Object oriented programming (OOP)
Overview of Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction - and other topics.
CRUD, Relationship, JOIN, Aggregation, Materialized Views, Function, Trigger, Procedure, Indexing...
DNS for Developers
DNS principles and real-world applications tailored for developers.
Linux Commands and Practice Tasks
Comprehensive Linux commands, categorized with practice tasks for mastering Linux.
Database Transactions and Concurrency
Database Transactions, Concurrency, and Isolation Levels.
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
Aspect-Oriented Programming in spring boot
Docker, Docker Composer, Yml, Deployment
Cyber Security Vendor Blacklist Submission Contacts
Contact details to dispute false positives and request removal from antivirus vendor blacklists
Development Best Practices
folder structures, design patterns, coding standards, and other best practices.
JavaScript Concepts like Prototypes, Symbols, Generators and More